“A Green Fever” a noir drama by Taiwo Egunjobi, will make its screen debut at AFRIFF 2023, presenting a compelling plot. Produced by Nemsia Films in association with Sable Productions, the film explores issues of power, corruption, and societal change as it explores the intricacies of a single night and its consequences.
The story revolves around architect Kunmi and his daughter Ireti, who, following Ireti’s fatal stroke, sets out on a pilgrimage to Old Oyo. They seek safety from the curfew in an enigmatic home, where they are greeted by Matilda, their host. But when Matilda’s lover, Colonel Bashiru, shows up out of the blue, the evening takes a dark turn, laying the groundwork for a startling and unsettling series of events.
The movie features a talented cast, including William Benson as Colonel Aliyu Basiru, Ruby Precious Okezie as Matilda, Deyemi Okanlawon as Colonel Okoli, and others, each contributing to the suspenseful narrative.
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The movie “A Green Fever” is a reflection of the unstable political environment and cultural revival of Nigeria in the 1970s and 1980s as well as a gripping plot. It explores human desire, ambition, and the repercussions of pursuing them, drawing inspiration from classic noirs and thrillers.
Known for his earlier films “Gidi Blues” and “All Na Vibes”, director Taiwo Egunjobi hopes to create an immersive cinematic experience that encapsulates this pivotal period in Nigerian history. “A Green Fever” is a distinct and compelling cinematic excursion into the past, certain to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
In conclusion, “A Green Fever” is a noir drama that takes place in Nigeria during the 1970s and 1980s and features a gripping story that tackles difficult subjects through the course of one night’s events. Director Taiwo Egunjobi creates an immersive experience that promises to captivate and intrigue audiences by drawing inspiration from historical and cinematic sources.
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