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10 Tips To Avoid Overeating



10 Tips To Avoid Overeating |

What Are The Signs Of Overeating?

Determining if you’re overeating might seem straightforward, like counting calories, but it is not that simple. This is because the number of calories you should eat per meal varies from person to person due to different health goals and needs.

It can be challenging to figure out your ideal calorie intake, and calorie counting may not promote a positive relationship with food.

Furthermore, calories alone aren’t a good indicator of mindful eating and recognizing when you’re satisfied, which are crucial aspects of nourishing your body properly and understanding if you’re overeating.

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With that in mind, the actual signs of overeating may include:

  • Eating beyond the point of being full
  • Finding yourself mindlessly eating because you’re bored or distracted
  • Experiencing physical symptoms after eating, including nausea, abdominal discomfort, gas, bloating or heartburn
  • Eating for reasons other than to fuel your body

Overeating can have both short-term and long-term consequences. In the short term, it can lead to discomfort and weight gain. It might become harder to lose excess weight, and digestive issues may persist over time.

However, there are also less visible long-term health effects. Arrindell mentions that overeating, over weeks, months, or years, can influence cholesterol levels and potentially disrupt blood sugar control, increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease. These hidden impacts might not be immediately apparent but could surface in your blood work.

How To Stop Overeating

If you recognize the signs and are ready to take action, here’s what we recommend to help you avoid overeating:

1. Familiarize yourself with recommended portion sizes

The size of your portions is crucial. To help control your portion sizes, you can make use of nutrition labels and recommended serving sizes from reliable sources.

While these guidelines may not be perfect, they provide a useful starting point for understanding what a reasonable serving looks like, which can be challenging to estimate on your own. Following these recommendations also helps you stay accountable for your food intake.

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Another effective strategy is to eat from smaller plates. Using larger plates can often lead to overeating, especially if you’ve been accustomed to finishing everything on your plate.

Switching to smaller plates can help you maintain more appropriate portion sizes and avoid overindulging, even though you don’t need to finish everything on your plate, according to Arrindell.

2. Include a fibre source with meals and snacks

Fibre is great for making you feel full after a meal. For example, consider a plate of roasted vegetables compared to several pieces of cheese with the same number of calories. The vegetables are likely to make you feel more satisfied because they contain fibre, which contributes to that feeling of fullness, helping prevent overeating.

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In contrast, cheese is less filling, meaning you might end up eating more than your body requires before you realize you’re full, as your brain takes longer to recognize your satiety when consuming foods with less fibre.

3. Avoid skipping meals

Intermittent fasting, which involves skipping meals, is a popular diet trend. However, for some individuals, this approach may trigger a pattern of extreme hunger that unintentionally leads to overeating.

Skipping meals can create strong hunger, often leading to episodes of overeating when you eventually eat. Instead, opting for healthy snacks between meals or consuming smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day would help to avoid this feast-or-famine mentality.

4. Know and limit the foods that are easiest to overeat

We often wish for a simple list of foods to avoid entirely, but it is not that straightforward. Food preferences vary from person to person, making it hard to create a universal list.

To gain insight into your own eating habits, keep a food journal. It can help identify which foods are challenging for you.

However, many people tend to overindulge in calorie-dense or processed foods they consider treats. These foods are often high in:

  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Saturated and trans fats
  • Empty calories.

There’s no food you should overeat, as even excessive consumption of healthy options like fibre-rich vegetables can lead to digestive discomfort.

5. Stay hydrated

Sometimes, feelings of thirst can be confused with hunger. When you’re experiencing hunger or craving a snack, try drinking a few sips of water. It can help you figure out if you’re truly hungry or just in need of hydration.

Staying adequately hydrated throughout the day can also help prevent those misleading hunger pangs that are, in fact, caused by thirst.

6. Be mindful about why you’re eating and pay attention to hunger cues

There are many reasons people eat, but the primary one should be to nourish and energize their bodies.

From snacking, because you think you should to following mealtime routines, it is essential not to fall into the habit of mindless eating.

If you’re not paying attention to what you’re eating and why, you’re likely not tuned into your body’s cues for hunger and appetite.

When you’re unaware of when to stop eating, the risk of overeating increases. Being mindful of your meals and food choices is crucial because it helps you connect with your body’s signals and enjoy food as a means of nourishing your body.

7. Slow down

To prevent overeating, it’s vital to stop when you start feeling full. While portion sizing helps, the best approach is to slow down during your meal and pay attention to your body’s signals.

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The objective is to allow your stomach and brain time to synchronize. It can take up to 20 minutes for your stomach to signal fullness to your brain.

Many people eat their meals in much less time. If you tend to overeat, consider strategies to slow down your eating process, such as using your non-dominant hand or pausing between bites.

8. Rethink that second serving

Slowing down your eating can also assist you in determining if you genuinely need more food on your plate. While a second helping is fine if you’re still hungry, it is a good idea to wait 5 to 10 minutes before getting it and ensure that the additional serving includes healthier choices like more vegetables.

9. Turn off your TV

To foster awareness of how you feel after eating, it’s beneficial to have mealtime and snack time without distractions. A good starting point is turning off the TV and sitting down at the table.

Eating without diversions helps you reconnect with the purpose of nourishing your body, which is the true essence of food.

10. Give yourself some grace

Dealing with overeating requires patience and flexibility, whether you encounter challenges at the beginning of your journey or during the holidays.

Allowing yourself to enjoy your favourite foods in moderation is beneficial because it prevents the urge to overindulge later on. Giving yourself some flexibility in your diet not only provides room for occasional treats but can also be the key to maintaining healthy eating habits, and reducing the risk of overeating.

Why am I overeating?

Overeating can occur occasionally, especially on occasions with abundant food, like Thanksgiving. In some cases, it can become a pleasurable yet unhealthy habit that reinforces itself over time. The steps mentioned earlier may help break this habit.

However, when overeating becomes a habitual behaviour, it is essential to examine why it’s happening more frequently. There might be underlying reasons behind this habit, such as emotional issues, a phenomenon known as emotional eating. Recognizing and processing these emotions is crucial in reducing overeating.

In more severe instances, overeating might be a sign of binge eating disorder. Seek help from a dietitian or doctor if you frequently overeat, as it could be linked to binge eating tendencies, a treatable condition with the right support.

For more health tips, check here.


Cooking Techniques For Beginners: Mastering The Kitchen Basics



Cooking Methods For Beginners |

Welcome to the wonderful world of cooking! Whether you’re a complete novice or just looking to expand your culinary repertoire, mastering a few key techniques can take you a long way. This guide will break down some essential cooking methods for beginners, making you feel confident and creative in the kitchen.

Heat and Cooking Methods

The first step is understanding how heat interacts with food. Most cooking methods fall into two categories: dry heat and moist heat.

  • Dry Heat: This method uses direct heat to cook food, with little to no moisture involved. Examples include:

    • Roasting: This involves surrounding food with hot air in an oven, perfect for meats, vegetables, and even some fruits.
    • Baking: Similar to roasting, baked goods like cakes and breads rely on rising agents like yeast or baking powder to create structure.
    • Sautéing: Food is cooked quickly in a hot pan with a small amount of oil, ideal for vegetables, meats, and some starches.
    • Pan-frying: Similar to sautéing, but uses a slightly higher amount of oil to achieve a crispy exterior.
    • Grilling: This method exposes food directly to radiant heat, often from a grill or grill pan, creating beautiful char marks.
  • Moist Heat: Here, food is cooked in a liquid or surrounded by steam. Examples include:

    • Boiling: Submerging food completely in boiling water (212°F) is a fast and simple way to cook vegetables, pasta, and eggs.
    • Simmering: Cooking food in a liquid just below boiling (around 180°F-200°F) is gentler and good for soups, stews, and delicate proteins like fish.
    • Poaching: Food is gently cooked in simmering liquid, often flavoured with herbs and aromatics, perfect for eggs and fish.
    • Steaming: Food is cooked by placing it over boiling water or in a steamer, allowing the steam to cook it gently. This method is excellent for preserving nutrients in vegetables and seafood.

Cooking Methods: Essential Knife Skills

Sharp knives are essential for safe and efficient cooking. Mastering a few basic cuts will make food preparation a breeze:

  • Chopping: This involves cutting food into small, even pieces. Use a rocking motion with your knife tip resting on the cutting board.
  • Slicing: Thin, even cuts are achieved by holding the food securely with your non-dominant hand and gliding the knife forward with a sawing motion.
  • Dicing: Combine chopping and slicing to create small cubes.

Cooking Methods: Mastering the Art of Seasoning

Seasoning is the magic touch that elevates a dish. Salt enhances natural flavours, while pepper adds a touch of heat. Experiment with other spices and herbs to discover your favourites. Here’s a tip: season food throughout the cooking process, not just at the end.

Essential Kitchen Tools

Equipping your kitchen with a few basic tools will make cooking more enjoyable:

  • Sharp chef’s knife: Your everyday workhorse for chopping, slicing, and dicing.
  • Cutting board: A sturdy board protects your countertop and keeps your knife sharp.
  • Mixing bowls: In various sizes for mixing ingredients, preparing batters, and serving.
  • Spatulas: For flipping, stirring, and scraping.
  • Spoons: Mixing spoons, serving spoons, and slotted spoons for draining.
  • Pots and pans: A large pot for boiling, a saucepan for simmering, and a skillet for sautéing and frying.
  • Baking sheet: Perfect for roasting vegetables, meats, and baking cookies.

Tips for Success

  • Read the recipe thoroughly: Understand the steps and ingredients before you begin.
  • Prep your ingredients: Wash, chop, and measure everything beforehand for a smooth cooking flow.
  • Don’t overcrowd the pan: This can trap steam and lead to uneven cooking.
  • Learn to control heat: Adjusting the heat as needed is key to preventing burnt or undercooked food.
  • Taste as you go: Seasoning is an ongoing process. Don’t be afraid to adjust flavours along the way.
  • Most importantly, have fun! The kitchen is your playground to experiment, create, and enjoy the delicious rewards.

With these cooking methods for beginners and a little practice, you’ll be whipping up delicious meals in no time. Remember, cooking is a journey, so relax, embrace the learning process, and enjoy the delicious adventures that await!

Check out more articles on food here.

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Foods & Drinks To Take After Tear Gas Exposure



Foods & Drinks To Take After Tear Gas Exposure |

Tear gas is a chemical irritant used in some situations to control crowds. If you’ve been exposed to tear gas, it’s important to know what to eat and drink to help your body recover. This article will guide you through the best foods and drinks to have after tear gas exposure.

Why food and drink choices matter after tear gas exposure

After tear gas exposure, your body needs help to heal. The right foods and drinks can:

  1. Reduce inflammation (swelling) in your body
  2. Help flush out the harmful chemicals
  3. Boost your immune system (the body’s defence system)
  4. Provide comfort and relief

Hydration: the most important step

Drinking plenty of water is the single most important thing you can do after tear gas exposure. Water helps to:

  • Flush out the tear gas chemicals from your body
  • Keep you hydrated (having enough fluids in your body)
  • Soothe your throat if it’s irritated

Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water in the hours after exposure. Keep drinking water regularly throughout the next few days.

Other hydrating drinks include:

Coconut water

This is a good choice because it has natural electrolytes (minerals that help with hydration), is gentle on your stomach, and can help replace fluids you’ve lost.

Herbal teas

Some helpful herbal teas include:

  • Chamomile tea: It can help calm your nerves and reduce inflammation.
  • Ginger tea: This can help with nausea and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Green tea: It’s full of antioxidants that can help your body heal.

Avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee or regular tea, as these can dehydrate you.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are important because they contain vitamins and minerals that help your body heal. They have antioxidants that fight inflammation. Also, they provide fibre to help your digestive system.

Some good choices are:

  • Berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
  • Citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits) (Wait a day or two if your throat is sore)
  • Leafy greens (spinach, kale)
  • Carrots
  • Bananas – these are another soft and easy-to-eat option. They’re also a great source of potassium, a mineral that can help replenish electrolytes lost through sweating or irritation.

Soups and broths

Soups and broths are a great choice after tear gas exposure for a few reasons. First, if your throat is sore and swallowing is painful, broths and soups are very easy to swallow. They’re nice and smooth, going down gently without irritating your throat further.

Second, broths and soups provide extra fluids to your body. This is important because tear gas can dehydrate you, and staying hydrated helps your body flush out the tear gas chemicals.

You can make your own vegetable soup packed with chopped carrots, celery, and spinach, or simply have some clear chicken broth for a quick and easy option. Both will help you rehydrate and feel better.

If your mouth or throat feels irritated and sore after tear gas exposure, some gentle foods can help soothe the discomfort and make eating a little easier.


This is soft and cool food that’s easy to swallow. It’s also a good source of probiotics, which are live bacteria that help keep your gut healthy. Having healthy gut bacteria can be helpful during recovery because it supports your immune system.

Foods to avoid after tear gas exposure

While your body heals from tear gas exposure, it’s best to avoid certain foods that can irritate your throat and stomach even more.

Spicy foods

Put down the hot sauce for a few days! Spicy foods irritate your throat and stomach lining, which can already be inflamed from the tear gas. This will make you feel more uncomfortable and might even cause heartburn.

Acidic foods

Take a break from those tangy tomatoes and citrus fruits (except maybe strawberries if your throat feels alright). Acidic foods irritate your already sore throat, making it feel scratchy and painful. Wait a day or two after exposure before having these again.

Vinegar-based foods

Similar to acidic fruits, dressings, marinades, and condiments with vinegar can irritate your throat. It’s best to avoid them for a few days after tear gas exposure.

Dairy products

Some people find that dairy products, like milk, cheese, and yoghurt, can increase mucus production. This can make congestion worse, especially if you’re already experiencing a runny nose or post-nasal drip from the tear gas. If you notice more mucus after consuming dairy, avoid it for a few days and see if your symptoms improve.


Hold off on that celebratory beer! Alcohol is dehydrating, and you need plenty of fluids to flush out the tear gas chemicals. Drinking alcohol can also worsen your overall discomfort and slow down your healing process. It’s best to wait at least 24 hours after exposure before consuming any alcohol.

Additional tips

  • Eat small, frequent meals if your stomach is upset.
  • Choose foods that are room temperature or cool, not very hot.
  • Listen to your body: If a food doesn’t feel good, don’t eat it.

In conclusion…

After tear gas exposure, focus on staying hydrated and eating foods that will help your body heal. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and choose soft, gentle foods if your throat is sore.

Avoid spicy, acidic foods and alcohol. With the right food and drink choices, you can help your body recover more quickly from tear gas exposure.

For more articles like this, visit here.

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How To Make Honey Butter Dinner Rolls



How To Make Honey Butter Dinner Rolls |

These soft, sweet honey butter dinner rolls are the perfect way to elevate any meal! This delightsome goodness is perfect for Sunday dinners, and special occasions and holidays.

They’re surprisingly easy to make and guaranteed to be a crowd-pleaser. Plus, they’re so delicious that you’ll be making them again and again.

Brushing them with honey butter sauce after baking takes them to the next level. These delightful rolls are perfect for any occasion, from Sunday dinners to holidays and special events.

These dinner rolls are guaranteed to be a family favourite! The secret lies in the honey butter sauce, which creates soft, buttery rolls that melt in your mouth.

Want your rolls to rise faster? Heat some water in a heat-safe dish and place it in your cold oven on a lower shelf. The heat and steam will help activate the yeast and speed up the rising process.

Why you’ll love these honey butter dinner rolls

  • They’re Irresistible! These rolls are so delicious, that they’re practically habit-forming. You won’t be able to stop at just one!
  • They’re the ideal addition to any special occasion or holiday meal. They’ll add a touch of sweetness and melt-in-your-mouth goodness to your dinner table.
  • Get ready for a delightful combination of soft and fluffy. These rolls have an incredible texture that practically melts in your mouth.
  • The honey butter sauce is the star of the show! It adds a burst of flavour and richness that will have you wanting more.
  • This recipe is mixer-free! No need to worry about extra equipment.
  • As long as you can spare an hour and a half (or even more) for rising, you’re good to go. Plus, baking them is a breeze – they take less than 15 minutes!
  • These rolls can be prepped in advance! Make them days or even weeks before you need them, and simply bake them fresh when you’re ready to serve.

What you’ll need to make Honey Butter Dinner Rolls:

For the rolls:

  • All-purpose flour: This is the base for the fluffy dough.
  • Warm whole milk and warm water: These activate the yeast and create a moist dough.
  • Softened butter (room temperature): This adds richness and flavour to the rolls.
  • Monk fruit sweetener or sugar (the recipe uses monk fruit): Choose your preferred sweetener for a touch of sweetness.
  • Envelope of active dry yeast: This helps the dough rise for light and fluffy rolls.
  • Egg (room temperature): This adds richness and helps bind the dough together.
  • Salt: A pinch of salt enhances the overall flavour of the rolls.

For the honey butter sauce:

  • Softened butter (room temperature): This creates a smooth and spreadable sauce.
  • Honey: The star ingredient! Honey adds sweetness and a touch of floral flavour.
  • Confectioners’ or powdered monk fruit or sugar: This ingredient (choose your preferred sweetener) adds a touch of sweetness and helps thicken the sauce for a perfect drizzle.

Honey Butter Rolls -

Let’s Bake Honey Butter Dinner Rolls, step-by-step

Get ready to make these amazing honey butter dinner rolls from scratch! Here’s a detailed guide:

1. Gather and prep:

  • As with most recipes, prepping your ingredients makes things easier.
  • First, we’ll activate, or “proof,” the yeast. In a bowl, combine warm water with the yeast packet and 2 teaspoons to 1 tablespoon of your chosen sweetener (monk fruit or sugar). Stir it all together and let it sit for about 5 minutes until foamy. This activates the yeast.

2. Make the dough:

  • Once the yeast is proofed, add it to a large bowl with the warm milk, beaten egg, softened butter, and the rest of your chosen sweetener. Use a whisk to combine everything. Don’t worry if the mixture isn’t perfectly smooth – small butter lumps are okay.
  • Now, add the flour and salt. Use clean hands to mix everything until it forms a dough ball. The dough might be a bit sticky.

3. First rise:

  • Lightly oil another large bowl and place your dough ball inside. Cover it with plastic wrap and find a warm, quiet spot for it to rise. Let it sit for at least 45 minutes to an hour, or until it doubles in size.

4. Make the honey butter:

  • While the dough is rising, prepare your honey butter sauce. Simply combine honey, butter, and powdered sweetener (or powdered monk fruit if that’s what you choose) with a spatula. Set this mixture aside for later.

5. Knead the dough:

  • Once your dough has doubled in size, gently punch it down with your knuckles to release the air. Flour a pastry board and transfer the dough there. Knead the dough with your hands until it becomes smooth and elastic.

6. Roll and shape the dough:

  • Divide the dough into two equal balls. Set one aside for now. Lightly flour your rolling pin and pastry board or mat. Roll out one dough ball into a large square, similar to pizza dough.
  • Use a pastry cutter to cut the dough square into small rectangles. You can aim for roughly 16 rectangles, or more if you prefer smaller rolls. Grease a large baking dish (ideally 9×13 inches or bigger) to prepare for baking.

7. Brush and second rise:

  • Take your honey butter mixture and lightly brush it over each dough rectangle. Now, roll up each rectangle and place it in the greased baking dish.
  • Repeat this process with the remaining dough ball.
  • Once all the rolls are shaped and placed in the dish, cover them with plastic wrap and let them rise again in a warm spot for another 45 minutes to an hour, or until they double in size.

8. Bake and enjoy!

  • Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit (190 degrees Celsius). Take off the plastic wrap from your baking dish. Bake the rolls for 15 to 20 minutes, or until they’re golden brown on top.
  • While the rolls are hot out of the oven, brush them with any leftover honey butter sauce.
  • Serve your delicious, warm honey butter dinner rolls alongside your main course.

Honey Butter Dinner Rolls |

Helpful tips for making Honey Butter Dinner Rolls:

  • The dough might feel a bit sticky before its first rise, but that’s completely normal. Just make sure to grease the bowl before placing the dough inside for rising.
  • After the first rise, use your knuckles to gently punch down the dough. This helps release the air trapped inside, leading to better results.
  • Don’t forget to flour your pastry board or mat before kneading the dough. This will prevent sticking and make the process easier.
  • The recipe uses monk fruit sweetener, but feel free to substitute it with regular sugar if that’s what you prefer.
  • Avoid over-kneading your dough. Knead only until it becomes smooth and elastic.
  • Make sure to let your dough rise for a second time after shaping the rolls. This allows them to become light and fluffy before baking.
  • Keep an eye on your rolls in the oven. To avoid burning, set a timer for 15 minutes. Remember, baking times might vary depending on the size of your rolls or your oven’s specific settings.
  • If you’re unsure if your rolls are done baking, you can use the toothpick test! Insert a toothpick into the centre of a roll. If it comes out clean, your rolls are good to go! If it comes out with raw dough clinging to it, bake for a few more minutes.

What to serve alongside dinner rolls

These versatile honey butter dinner rolls are the perfect complement to any dinner spread. They pair beautifully with any main course, from comforting pasta dishes to hearty soups and other savoury meals.

Elevate your Sunday dinners, holiday feasts, birthday celebrations, and other special events with these delightful rolls. They’re not just for dinner though. These rolls make a delicious and satisfying snack on their own.

Don’t be afraid to serve them with whatever dinner you’re having – they’re guaranteed to be a crowd-pleaser.

How to store your leftover Honey Butter Dinner Rolls

Let’s be honest, these rolls are so delicious they probably won’t last. But if you do have some leftovers, here’s how to store them:

  • Refrigerate: Cover the rolls tightly and store them in the fridge for up to 7 days.
  • Freeze: For longer storage, you can freeze the rolls for up to 3 months.

Variations and substitutions

Milk options: Don’t have whole milk? No problem! You can use another type of milk, but keep in mind that whole milk will give the rolls the richest flavour and texture.

Flour power: Bread flour can be substituted for all-purpose flour. This might make the rolls a bit chewier, so choose the texture you prefer.

Yeast alternatives: Out of dry active yeast? No worries! You can use double the amount of fresh yeast instead.

Honey butter preference: Not a fan of the honey butter sauce? No problem at all. Enjoy these rolls plain – they’re still delicious.

If you enjoyed reading this article, check out more food recipes here.

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