Many people have difficulty waking up early, others struggle with falling asleep early every night, making mornings a challenge.
Rising early does have real benefits that make it a worthwhile goal, like improving your chances of getting a workout in, putting you in a better mood, encouraging healthier eating and improved productivity.
Read on to learn useful tricks for waking up early and refreshed.
Watch what you eat and drink after noon
Certain foods, supplements and drinks can steal sleep by stimulating energy or causing indigestion. Caffeine and other stimulants can affect you for several hours, so when trying to fall asleep early or adjust your schedule, it can be helpful to avoid them or at least limit them to morning hours.
Coffee, caffeinated tea, dark chocolate, sugar, guarana and diet/slimming supplements are all things to watch out for. Spicy, greasy or heavy foods to close to bed are also bad.
Try healthy meals and snacks before bed
Munching walnuts, almonds, cereal and a glass of cherry juice would make you fall asleep faster, according to research. These snacks naturally helps your body to relax and if you have a good and relaxing night, you will definitely wake up early feeling refreshed.
Plan your schedule to allow adequate time for sleep
The average adult needs a minimum of seven hours (and up to nine hours) of sleep every night. The first trick to waking up earlier, is to make sure your bedtime allows you to get enough rest in every night without stressing over the clock or feeling fatigued the next day.
If you want to wake up at 6:00am, for example, then your bedtime needs to be no later than 10:30pm. Remember it takes an average of 10-20 minutes to fall asleep, and you also need to factor in time for evening pre-bed routines as well.
Optimize your bedroom for more efficient sleep
Your bedroom plays a big role in this, so make sure you are setting the stage for the best sleep possible. Check the temperature, your mattress and bedding should be cozy and comfortable, and your space should be clean and free of clutter.
Light should be kept to an absolute minimum as it can impair your melatonin production, as should distracting sounds. Light blocking shades or an eye mask as well as a sound conditioner or ear plugs can be helpful if you have limited control over the environment.
Turbo-charge your morning routine
Get going quicker after you wake up by incorporating water, light, activity and healthy food into your morning routine.
Start your morning with a big glass of cold water (some people also swear by warm water with lemon) to recover from nighttime dehydration. Try to expose yourself to natural sunlight as soon as possible to support your natural wakefulness rhythms.
Try a short nap during the day
If waking up earlier has you feeling sluggish in the afternoon, a short afternoon nap can refresh your energy levels and give you a second wind.
Shorter naps are best for boosting alertness without causing grogginess or impacting your nighttime sleep. Studies say naps between 10 and 20 minutes are best, just make sure to keep them around 8 hours before your planned bedtime.
No electronics before bed
Another less obvious stimulant is light, particularly blue light that televisions, computers and other electronics emit. Light exposure at night can impair natural melatonin production, delaying drowsiness and keeping you up later at night.
Try to detach from your devices at least 60 minutes before bed – that means no smart phones, laptops, tablets, televisions and keeping room lights dim as well. Instead, try reading, listening to music or an audiobook, writing in a journal, a warm bath or relaxing stretching to wind down your evening.
Make your mornings stress-free and simple.
Try getting motivated to wake up by penning down your morning routine and giving yourself something to look forward to.
You could lay out your outfit and get all of your things together at night, have quick and healthy breakfasts and lunches ready to go, set the coffee pot on auto-timer, and look for other ways to do your less enticing activities at night so mornings are smooth.