5 Foods To Avoid During Your Menstral Cycle

To be sincere ,menstrual period can become one of a hell moment for one as a lady ..but it’s nature and that’s what makes us “woman”

Nevertheless there are meals that may not be advisable during period ..sit back as I take you through the menstral lecture “winks”

1)Processed Foods

During this period our body is already sensitive and introducing certain substance that needs further break down in order to digest might be so harmful for the body


In as much as your might be dying to have a crumns ..it is not advisable because this might generate mood swings

3)Diary Products

According to The Huffington Post, eating dairy can actually trigger menstrual cramps because they usually contain arachidonic acids which are cramp-inducing.

4)Foods High in Fat

This is bad because it can lead to acne bloating and cramps


This is not good for us as women during menstrual cycle because it can lead to irregularities in menstual cycle and increase in level of estrogen

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